Yesaya Mwashala is the son of chief Gwaza Mwashala Mshepete. He was born in a rural village in Tanzania. At the age of five, his time was spent doing domestic work such as looking after big herds of animals, fetching water, and farm work. Waking every day between 4:00-5:00 am, he would take the animals to find food, as well as find his own food! He would return around 6:00 pm, milk the cows, eat dinner, and go to sleep.
This was his routine every day. At the time he knew nothing about the world outside his village. When he was sponsored to go to school, his eyes were opened! At first it was culture shock, but he soon found himself enjoying not only the learning, but the new foods, timetables, clothing, etc.
Since those beginning days, Yesaya has attended university and worked in the travel industry. He has a heart of gold and does all he can to give back to the people of his country. As the Director of Operations for TanzaCare, Yesasya is “happy because TanzaCare is positively affecting lives of children in rural areas. It melts my heart more than words can express!”